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Patient Portal Software: Unlocking the Power of Digital Healthcare

by | July 4, 2023

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The days of overflowing file cabinets, incessant phone calls to schedule appointments, and slow communication are fast becoming a thing of the past. A key catalyst for this change? Patient portal software. This breakthrough technology is revolutionizing the healthcare industry, delivering unparalleled convenience, efficiency, and patient empowerment.

More than ever before, the average American is aware of the importance of having quick and easy access to their medical records, with a whopping 92% of over 1000 individuals surveyed advocating its importance. Yet, it’s startling that nearly half of the respondents reported having trouble accessing their records from their patient portals or physicians’ offices. It’s clear that we’ve got a paradox to solve.

Read on as we unravel the world of patient portals, their benefits, key features, and how to create a portal solution that both patients and providers will love.

What is Patient Portal Software?

Think of patient portal software as a virtual bridge connecting patients and healthcare providers. It’s an online application that provides patients with secure, round-the-clock access to their health data. Patients can book appointments, view lab results, request prescription refills, and more, all at their convenience.

In a nutshell, these portals pave the way for patient-centric care, enabling patients to be active participants in their health management.

Benefits for healthcare providers and patients

The rise of patient portals is fueled by the myriad of benefits they offer to both healthcare providers and patients.

For Healthcare Providers:

  • Increased Efficiency: The automation of routine administrative tasks such as appointment scheduling lightens the workload, leading to a significant boost in office productivity.
  • Improved Patient Engagement: By providing a platform for patients to access their health data, the software promotes active patient participation in their healthcare.
  • Enhanced Communication: The secure messaging feature facilitates smooth, efficient communication between patients and providers, fortifying the patient-provider relationship.

For Patients:

  • Convenience: With these portals, healthcare is at patients’ fingertips. They can access their health information, schedule appointments, and communicate with their healthcare providers whenever, wherever.
  • Empowerment: Access to medical records and health information empowers patients to make informed decisions concerning their healthcare.
  • Enhanced Communication: Through secure messaging, patients can effortlessly connect with their healthcare providers, fostering clear and open communication.

Types of Patient Portals for Healthcare Professionals

In general, patient portal development can be segmented into two categories: integrated and standalone portals.

Integrated Portals

These portals are merged with an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. They offer a comprehensive system where all patient information is readily available and updated in real time. Examples include Epic’s MyChart and Cerner’s HealtheLife.

Standalone Portals

These portals function independently from EHR systems. They provide more flexibility in terms of features and customization, but data synchronization across systems may require extra effort. Athenahealth’s patient portal serves as a prime example of a standalone portal.

Implementing Patient Portal Software

Successfully implementing patient portals within a healthcare organization involves a multi-step process:

Assessing the Organization’s Needs and Goals

Identifying the organization’s objectives is the first step in the process. Factors to consider include the size of your patient base, the types of services you offer, and the specific needs of your patients. A detailed understanding of your requirements helps in choosing the right patient portal software that aligns with your objectives.

Selecting the Right Patient Portal Software Vendor

This step involves deciding between off-the-shelf solutions and developing a solution from scratch. Off-the-shelf solutions are ready-made software products that can be tailored to fit your organization’s needs. Alternatively, creating software from scratch offers complete customization but may require more time and resources. We’ll discuss this further in our Patient Portal Development later in the article.

Planning the Implementation Process

Planning involves charting out the process of implementation, including setting a realistic timeline, defining roles and responsibilities, and establishing clear communication channels to address concerns and troubleshoot issues promptly.

Training Staff and Educating Patients about the Portal

Finally, it’s crucial to train your healthcare staff on using the portal and educate your patients about its benefits. This ensures smooth navigation and optimal utilization of the patient portal.

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Key Features of Online Patient Portal Software

While many portal solutions may differ in specific functionalities, there are several core features that define a robust, comprehensive system.

Patient Registration and Profile Management

The registration feature is the entry gate to the portal, facilitating the creation of a unique user account. Beyond initial registration, the profile management feature allows patients to update personal information, insurance details, and more. This ensures the information remains current, contributing to effective care delivery.

Appointment Scheduling and Reminders

Patients no longer need to make a phone call during office hours to book an appointment. With the patient portal, they can schedule, reschedule, or cancel appointments with just a few clicks, and at any time. Plus, the software sends automated reminders to patients about upcoming appointments, significantly reducing no-show rates.

Secure Messaging and Communication

Whether patients have queries about their prescriptions or need to discuss their symptoms, secure messaging ensures they can easily reach out to their healthcare providers. This real-time communication not only addresses patients’ concerns swiftly but also strengthens the patient-provider relationship.

Access to Medical Records and Test Results

With patient portals, patients can access their health records anytime, anywhere. The software stores a wide range of data, including diagnoses, lab results, immunization records, and medication history. This readily available, comprehensive view of their health information empowers patients and facilitates informed decision-making.

Prescription Refill Requests and Medication Management

Running out of medications can be risky, especially for patients with chronic conditions. The portal software allows patients to request prescription refills directly, ensuring they never run out of necessary medications. Moreover, medication management features can include reminders for medication intakes, contributing to better treatment adherence.

Online Bill Payment and Financial Services

The software streamlines the billing process by offering an online payment facility. Patients can view itemized bills, verify charges, and make payments, all within the portal.

Health Education and Resources

Patient portals often include educational resources, such as articles, videos, and health tips. This access to reliable health information encourages patients to take proactive steps toward healthier lifestyles.

Integration with EHR/EMR Systems

Seamless integration with EHR/EMR systems ensures real-time updates of patient health information. This eliminates data silos, provides a comprehensive view of patient health, and enables better care coordination.

Ensuring Security and Privacy

With the sensitive nature of patient data, the security and privacy of this information must be prioritized. Measures to ensure this include:

HIPAA compliance and data security measures

The very first step is adhering to the standards established by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This act sets out stringent guidelines for protecting sensitive patient data. For patient portal software to meet the HIPAA software requirements, it must guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of patient data at all times, while safeguarding against any threats or breaches.

User authentication and access controls

To keep the system secure, user authentication mechanisms such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) are put in place. These mechanisms verify the identities of users before granting access, thus offering a significant barrier against unauthorized entry. Additionally, role-based access controls add another layer of security by ensuring that users only have access to the specific data they are authorized to view or modify.

Encryption and secure data transmission

Patient data is most vulnerable when it’s on the move (data in transit) or when it’s stored (data at rest). To combat this, portals use data encryption. In this process, patient data is converted into a format that can only be read or processed using a decryption key, thereby making it inaccessible to unauthorized users. For data in transit, secure data transmission techniques like Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) are used. These protocols ensure that any data being transferred between the patient portal and other systems is done securely, keeping the information safe from prying eyes.

Regular software updates and patching

Just like any software, patient portal software can have vulnerabilities. Regular software updates and patching are necessary to fix these security gaps and keep the software up-to-date with the latest security standards. Additionally, proactive monitoring can help identify and address any unusual activity swiftly, further fortifying security.

Enhancing Patient Engagement with Patient Portals

Patient portal solutions can significantly enhance patient engagement. Some strategies to achieve this include:

Designing a User-friendly and Intuitive Interface
A clean, easy-to-navigate interface encourages portal usage.


Mobile Accessibility and Responsive Design
Ensuring the portal is accessible on mobile devices and is responsive provides convenience.


Personalized Patient Experience and Customization Options
Personalization gives patients a sense of control, improving their portal experience.


Providing Educational Resources and Health Tracking Tools
This empowers patients to take charge of their health, promoting better health outcomes.


Feedback and Satisfaction Surveys
These provide insights into areas of improvement, ensuring the portal continues to meet user needs.


telemedicine software development

Patient Portal Development

Custom patient portal development comes with a range of benefits that standard software solutions may not offer. Unlike off-the-shelf portal software, custom solutions provide flexibility and adaptability, enabling the organization to design the software’s features according to their specific needs. For instance, a healthcare provider focusing on chronic disease management might want a portal with advanced health tracking tools and personalized health tips, while a mental health clinic may prioritize secure video conferencing functionality. Custom development allows these unique needs to be met, improving the efficacy of patient care and management.

At Scopic, we understand the power of customization in healthcare technology. We leverage our in-depth knowledge and years of experience in healthcare software development to provide custom patient portal solutions that align with your unique needs and goals, empowering you to deliver superior patient care.

Future Trends

With the ever-evolving healthcare landscape comes continuous innovation. Some future trends to look out for include:

Integration with wearable devices and remote patient monitoring

The further integration of patient portals with wearable devices is an exciting trend on the horizon. Wearable tech is being used more and more to capture important health data such as heart rate, sleep patterns, and physical activity. This data can be synced with the patient portal, allowing healthcare providers to monitor patients’ health in real-time. It empowers patients to be active participants in their health management and enables providers to offer personalized care based on actual data.

Telehealth and virtual visit capabilities

With the growing demand for remote healthcare services, the addition of telehealth features to patient portals is inevitable. Virtual visit capabilities allow patients to consult with their healthcare providers from the comfort of their homes. They can share their health concerns, discuss symptoms, receive diagnoses, and even get prescriptions, all through a secure video chat within the patient portal. It not only eliminates geographical barriers to healthcare but also ensures continuity of care in situations like those we experienced in the COVID pandemic.

AI and chatbot integration

AI and chatbots are arguably the biggest up-and-comers in patient care. AI can automate responses to common patient queries, providing immediate assistance and freeing up healthcare providers’ time. Chatbots, powered by natural language processing, can offer personalized responses to patient inquiries, improving the patient experience. They can also provide reminders for medication or appointments, promote health education, and even assist in preliminary diagnoses, thereby dramatically enhancing efficiency, patient engagement, and satisfaction.

Expansion of patient engagement features

Patient engagement is becoming a cornerstone of modern healthcare, and patient portal software will continue to evolve in this direction. We can anticipate an expansion of features aimed at boosting patient interaction and participation. These could include personalized health coaching, gamification to encourage healthy behaviors, social networking features for peer support, and more interactive, intuitive dashboards. As the focus of healthcare shifts from disease-centered to patient-centered, these engagement features will play a crucial role in motivating patients to take charge of their health.


Patient portal software is not just a trend, but a vital cog in the wheel of modern healthcare. The secure easy access to health records, coupled with the convenience it offers, can significantly elevate the patient experience while streamlining the workflow for healthcare providers. As the dynamics of healthcare continue to evolve, these portals, with their flexibility and adaptability, are poised to become an even more integral part of this sector.

At Scopic, we understand that each healthcare organization has unique needs and challenges. If you’re considering creating and implementing a custom patient portal solution, feel free to reach out to us. Our HIPAA-certified experts are ready to tailor a solution that perfectly aligns with your specific requirements.

FAQs about Patient Portal Software

How can healthcare organizations effectively communicate the benefits of using a patient portal to both patients and healthcare professionals?

Healthcare organizations can employ a multi-channel communication strategy to educate patients and healthcare professionals about the benefits of patient portals. This can include pamphlets, posters, emails, or website updates. The key is to clearly highlight the practical benefits, such as convenience, enhanced communication, and improved health management. For healthcare professionals, emphasizing efficiency gains, improved patient engagement, and streamlined workflows can be effective.

What are some best practices for engaging and educating patients about the functionalities and advantages of using a patient portal?

Effective education strategies include hands-on training sessions, easy-to-understand user manuals, and informative videos. It’s crucial to teach patients how to navigate the portal, manage their profiles, schedule appointments, and use other features. Communication should be consistent and regular, addressing common queries and showcasing the portal’s capabilities. Demonstrating the practical benefits of using the portal in real-world scenarios can be especially helpful in encouraging uptake.

How can healthcare professionals ensure patient portal accessibility for diverse populations?

Healthcare professionals should strive for a patient portal that’s user-friendly and accessible to all, irrespective of their technological proficiency, language, or disability status. This can involve offering the portal in multiple languages, ensuring it’s compatible with assistive technologies for those with disabilities, and making it mobile-friendly for those who primarily use smartphones for internet access. Additionally, they can provide tech support and guidance for patients who may be less comfortable with technology.

What support mechanisms can be put in place to assist patients and healthcare professionals in navigating and troubleshooting technical challenges with the patient portal?

  • A dedicated support team to handle technical queries can be incredibly helpful.
  • Comprehensive self-help resources, like a well-organized help center or user manuals, can also empower users to solve minor issues on their own.
  • Regular training and refresher sessions can ensure users are comfortable using the software.

What strategies can healthcare professionals adopt to encourage regular and sustained usage of the patient portal among patients?

Healthcare professionals can promote regular portal usage by sending appointment reminders, test results, health tips, and other communications through the portal. Gamification techniques, like earning points for portal usage, can also be effective.

How can patient portals be leveraged to foster better patient-provider communication and collaboration?

Patient portals bridge the communication gap between patients and providers. Secure messaging allows patients to ask questions, share symptoms, or discuss health concerns at their convenience. Sharing lab results and health records through the portal can also facilitate more informed discussions during appointments. This two-way communication can significantly enhance the patient-provider relationship and improve care quality.

What features or functionalities within a patient portal can help increase patient engagement and promote active involvement in their healthcare?

Features like health tracking tools, personalized health tips, secure messaging, and easy access to health records can all boost patient engagement. The more interactive and user-friendly the portal is, the more likely patients are to use it regularly.

What key metrics or indicators can be used to assess the effectiveness and impact of a patient portal implementation?

Useful metrics include user registration rate, frequency of logins, number of appointments scheduled through the portal, usage of secure messaging, and patient satisfaction scores. Feedback surveys can also provide insights into areas for improvement. Monitoring these metrics over time can help healthcare organizations assess the portal’s effectiveness and make necessary adjustments to enhance its impact.

About Creating the Patient Portal Software Guide

This guide was authored by Courtney Schwikkard, and reviewed by Vyacheslav Korchagin, technical lead engineering with experience in leading and delivering complex EHR software projects.

Scopic provides quality and informative content, powered by our deep-rooted expertise in software development. Our team of content writers and experts have great knowledge in the latest software technologies, allowing them to break down even the most complex topics in the field. They also know how to tackle topics from a wide range of industries, capture their essence, and deliver valuable content across all digital platforms.

If you would like to start a project, feel free to contact us today.
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