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Frequently Asked

Find out everything you need to know about Scopic’s
services, expertise and company culture

About Scopic

How long have you been in business?

Scopic has been delivering innovative software solutions since 2006, harnessing the power of technology to solve complex problems for businesses around the globe.

Where are you located?​

While headquartered in the Massachusetts, United States, our global team operates remotely, enabling us to work effectively across all time zones and reach clients worldwide.

What makes you different from other software and marketing firms?

Scopic’s unique model combines highly skilled developers and marketers from around the world, which allows us to provide top-tier services at competitive rates.

How do you contribute to the tech community?

We actively publish insightful content on the latest technological advancements to foster a knowledgeable community.

How can I partner with you?

Whether you’re looking to start a project or become a service partner, contact us directly to explore how we can work together towards achieving your goals.

What industries do you serve?

Our expertise spans across healthcare, education, manufacturing, media and entertainment, design, real estate, e-commerce, cannabis, digital signage, finance, trading, and many other sectors, ensuring a broad understanding of various market needs.

Our Services

What software development services do you offer?

We offer full-cycle software development, including desktop applications, web development, mobile apps, and custom software solutions.

What web development technologies do you specialize in?

Our developers specialize in JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue, ThreeJS, Unity3D and other leading technologies to create responsive and dynamic web applications.

What types of mobile applications can you develop?

From native apps for iOS and Android to cross-platform solutions using JavaScript, Flutter, C#, React Native, and other technologies we craft apps that offer seamless user experiences.

Can you design the user interface and user experience for my digital products?

Yes, our UI/UX design team creates intuitive and engaging designs tailored to your specific business needs and user expectations.

What e-commerce development services do you provide?

We build robust e-commerce platforms using Magento, WooCommerce, and Shopify, integrating advanced features like custom checkout processes and real-time analytics.

Do you provide cloud computing services?

Yes, as an AWS Advanced Partner, we offer cloud solutions including AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud to scale businesses efficiently.

How do you manage projects for your services?

We tailor our project management approach to each project, utilizing Agile, Waterfall, or a Hybrid methodology to best meet specific project demands and ensure optimal outcomes.

Do you offer 24/7

Yes, we provide round-the-clock support to ensure your business operations are always running smoothly.

What advanced technologies do you work with?

We have accumulated extensive experience in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning models, as well as Blockchain technologies, integrating these technologies to elevate your business.

How can you enhance my company’s digital marketing strategy?

Our digital marketing services include SEO, PPC, email marketing, social media strategies, and more, all tailored to address the various marketing goals of our clients.

Project Management

What project management methodologies do you use?

Scopic employs Agile, Waterfall, and Hybrid methodologies, allowing us to maintain flexibility and adaptability throughout the development process to meet diverse client needs.

How do you ensure projects stay on track and within budget?

Our project managers prioritize transparent communication, regular milestone reviews, and adaptive planning to ensure projects meet deadlines and budget constraints without compromising on quality.

Can you adapt your project management approach to fit our needs?

Absolutely. We tailor our project management strategies to align with client-specific requirements, ensuring an optimal balance between agility and the structured oversight necessary for your project’s success.

What tools do you use for project management and communication?

We use tools like Jira, Teamwork, Microsoft Sharepoint, Microsoft Teams, and Outlook to keep our projects organized and maintain clear lines of communication with all stakeholders.

How do you handle changes and adjustments during a project?

We manage change requests by documenting, evaluating, estimating them, and sharing the estimate with the client. After getting approval from the client, we ensure implementation with possible minimal disruption to the project timeline and scope.

How do you ensure quality in your project deliverables?

Quality assurance is integrated at every stage of our development process through rigorous testing, peer reviews, and adherence to the best industry standards.

How do you manage risks in your projects?

Our proactive risk management approach involves early identification, assessment, and mitigation strategies to minimize potential impacts on the project.

How involved do I need to be in the project management process?

Client involvement is tailored to your preferences, whether you prefer regular updates and input sessions or a more hands-off approach with periodic reporting.

Do you provide project documentation and reports?

Yes, we provide comprehensive documentation and detailed reports throughout the project lifecycle to ensure transparency and facilitate project handovers.

Pricing and Payment

How do you structure your pricing for projects?

We offer flexible pricing models based on our hourly rate and tailored to match project scope and client budget.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept various payment methods, including payments via, ACH/EFT, bank transfers, and credit cards (for an extra fee), to accommodate our clients’ convenience.

Are there any upfront costs involved when starting a project with you?

Typically, there are no upfront costs required when starting a project with us, unless the agreement involves prepayment. In such cases, the upfront payment is based on the number of prepaid hours agreed upon with our sales team, and this prepayment will be applied to the hours worked.

How do you handle changes in project scope in terms of pricing?

We ensure any scope changes are clearly communicated and agreed upon in terms of impact on cost, maintaining transparency throughout the process.

Do you offer any discounts for long-term or large-scale projects?

Generally, we do not offer discounts for long-term engagements and large-scale projects. We prioritize delivering high-quality work, which we believe is the fundamental basis for fostering long-term relationships with our clients.

Can you provide a detailed quote before the project begins?

We provide detailed proposals, including project scope, milestones, estimated timelines, and a breakdown of costs before any commitment is made.

What happens if a project goes over budget?

We prioritize open communication and proactive planning to prevent budget overruns; however, any necessary adjustments are discussed and approved by the client.

Do you offer payment plans or phased billing?

We do not offer payment plans or phased billing options, as our focus is on straightforward, transparent billing practices.

How transparent is your billing process?

Transparency is a cornerstone of our operations. We ensure all billing is detailed and clearly explained, with no hidden costs.

What are your terms for late payments?

Our terms for late payments, including any potential interest charges or penalties, are clearly outlined in our contracts to ensure fairness and reasonableness. Additionally, management reserves the right to pause all work on a project if payments are delinquent.

Careers and Recruitment

Where can I find current job openings?

All current job openings are posted on our careers page, accessible through the Scopic website, where you can apply directly and learn more about the roles.

What is the hiring process at Scopic?

Our hiring process typically involves an initial screening, technical tests (if applicable), and a series of interviews to ensure a good fit both technically and culturally.

What qualifications and skills are you looking for in candidates?

We look for individuals who are not only skilled in their technical fields but who also demonstrate creativity, resilience, problem-solving abilities, and a passion for innovation.

Do you offer remote or flexible working options?

Yes, Scopic is a fully remote company offering flexible working hours to accommodate our global team’s diverse locations and lifestyles.

What training and development opportunities do you provide?

We offer various training and development programs to help our employees advance their skills and careers, including certifications, online courses, and more.

How does your company support diversity and inclusion?`

Diversity and inclusion are integral to our values at Scopic. We strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive regardless of their background.

What benefits and perks do you offer your employees?

Our benefits package includes competitive salaries, professional development opportunities, flexible vacation policies, and more.

How long does the recruitment process usually take?

The duration of the recruitment process varies based on the role but typically takes between two to six weeks from application to final decision.

Client Relationships

What is your process for handling client feedback during projects?

We have structured feedback loops at various project stages to ensure that client feedback is incorporated effectively and timely.

How can clients track the progress of their projects?

Clients are given access to our project management tools and regular progress reports to ensure they have a clear view of the project status at all times.

What happens if I am not satisfied with a delivered project?

We prioritize client satisfaction and offer revisions and adjustments to ensure the final deliverables meet your expectations.

How do you handle communication with clients?

Communication is facilitated through dedicated project managers, regular updates, and tools that support real-time collaboration and reporting.

Can clients request changes or updates during the project lifecycle?

Yes, we have a flexible change management process that accommodates necessary adjustments efficiently.

What post-delivery support do you offer?

We offer maintenance and support services post-delivery to ensure seamless operation and longevity of your project.

Do you offer ongoing maintenance and updates for projects after completion?

Ongoing maintenance and updates are part of our comprehensive support services to keep your software efficient and up to date.

What is your policy on confidentiality and security for client information?

We adhere to strict confidentiality and security protocols to protect client information, ensuring data integrity and security across all our projects.


What role does AI and machine learning play in your services?

AI and machine learning are integral to our services, enhancing everything from data analysis and automation to predictive technologies.

Do you offer Internet of Things (IoT) solutions?

Yes, we provide IoT solutions that integrate seamlessly with various devices and services to enhance operational efficiency and data insights.

How do you ensure the scalability of your technological solutions?

Our solutions are designed with scalability in mind, allowing easy adjustments and upgrades as your business grows and evolves.

What is your approach to cybersecurity in the projects you develop?

Cybersecurity is a top priority in all our projects. We implement the latest security practices and protocols to protect data and ensure compliance with international standards.

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