3D Horse Racing
The Front Runner Of Online Horse Racing Games
Bringing the world of horse racing directly to your home.

The Digital Horse Racing Challenge
Physically owning, training, breeding and racing a professional racehorse can be an extremely pricey endeavor and seems to be a sport for those in a ‘certain class’ of wealth.
In a world where you can play games based on pretty much anything in real life, horse racing should not be an exception. With this idea in mind, the challenge now becomes: how to develop it and bring the gamer into the exciting sport of horse racing without having to spend thousands of dollars to be involved.
The Vision Behind
The team over at DigitalDowns saw this opportunity and wanted to bring the sport of horse racing to a larger audience. With a gap in the virtual horse racing market, they decided to create a game where the user could be involved in all aspects of this fast-paced world.
DigitalDowns envisioned their game as an experience – one where the user could participate in more than just betting and watching races. They wanted it to be more interactive where the player would be able to see what it was like to truly raise a horse. After training and raising a horse, they envisioned the user to then enter their horse in a race and earn real money while competing against other players around the world.
The team at Digital Downs needed their game to be as close to real-life horse raising and training as possible. They wanted it to be based off of real race tracks in the U.S.
With this exciting project in mind, the visionaries behind DigitalDowns came to Scopic to help bring their game to life.
The Scopic Solution
Our team of developers worked closely with DigitalDowns to model the game after famous race tracks across the U.S. and ensured the other details of the app matched their creativity.
In order to achieve this, we focused on creating the app around the key areas of DigitalDowns’ wishes for the game. To mirror real-life experiences the game needed to portray certain scenarios, like:
Owning a stable of horses
Racing horses for real money
Complete ownership of the horse
Training horses
Buying horses at auctions
Veterinarian visits
And many more aspects that come with owning and racing horses.