MIDI Keyboard
The app that allows you to play, produce, and compose music anywhere
Bring your piano with you wherever you go.

The Electronic Keyboard Challenge
Apps have given us access to multiple streams of entertainment – movies, games, tv, and more. The music industry hasn’t been left behind, with many musical applications offered to us. Unfortunately, the challenge associated with wanting to play or learn to play a traditional instrument is that you physically need to have it with you.
Most instruments – especially pianos – aren’t easily transported from place to place. This makes it hard for the musician or student to play, compose, or learn whenever and wherever they’d like. If you desired to play, you needed to be in the same space as your piano.
The Vision Behind the App
With this challenge in mind, the folks at MIDI fantasized about a keyboard that was not only portable but also musically accurate and easy to play. They envisioned an app that would be a precise replication of a real-life keyboard, mimicking the quality of sound. Along with the software, they dreamt of a small, hand-held keyboard that could be used simultaneously with the app. They turned to Scopic to partner on their exciting ideas.
The Scopic Solution
With our custom software development services, we designed and developed Electronic Musical Instrument and the companion MIDI Controller (the hand-held keyboard mentioned before) in record time. Electronic Musical Instrument is one of two integrated applications designed by our team. It interprets and transcribes musical notation in MIDI format from inputs on a standard computer keyboard. Our team managed to fit five octaves onto a regular, 3.75×9-inch laptop keyboard.
The app makes it possible to ‘play’ up to a three-octave range with only one hand. Through a simple tutorial, users can learn to play and understand the basic principles of reading and composing music with this software. The app is available on both Mac and Windows desktops as well as other tablet operating systems.