Chroma Coloring Book
The app that lets you color the stress away, one stroke at a time
Be Creative. Be Curious. Be an Inspiration.

The Coloring Challenge Summarized
Coloring books are a form of adult therapy that has seen a growth in popularity since 2010. What used to be an engaging activity for children, currently is reemerging as a trend grown-ups are coming to prefer. Although it is proven to be helpful in lowering stress and anxiety levels throughout the daily pressures of life, it may become challenging to fully embrace such a trend.
This comes due to the struggle adults phase to unplug themselves from specific routines at work or home that are often time-consuming and distracting. Naturally, the idea of finding and using coloring books is not prioritized in our daily tasks.
The Vision Behind the App
Sprite Labs is a company with a vast interest in the entertainment industry. In 2014, it released Mini Monet, a Creative Studio with state-of-the-art drawing tools designed for kids. This soon became an award-winning iOS app with improved coloring features. Later on, the company received feedback from Grandmas and Parents saying they found it appealing to use Mini Monet as well.
Sprite Labs envisioned the entertaining effects of their product applicable to adults. However, adults experience things differently so they knew this would need a deeper approach. The app should now serve as a way to apply the meditative technique above all. As they say: “When the heart is heavy, a person may be all wounded and it is tough to draw a single line because the hand quivers due to built up emotion.”
Hence, aiming to help users relax and bring down stress, Sprite Labs reached out to Scopic to develop their next product in mind.
The Scopic Solution
Scopic designed the Chroma application specifically for adults. The mobile experts developed a user-friendly and responsive iOS app with natural coloring tools like pencil, marker, and brush.
The user could intuitively mix any color, texture, and gradient to create unique images and personalize each coloring page. The interesting interface also included a unique outline tool with which the user could complement the existing coloring page outline and add extra details, which could then be colored inside. In addition, the user could interactively share their work on different social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
After its release, Chroma Coloring Book was featured in “New apps we love” and “Coloring books” by Apple.