My Flix List
The quickest and easiest way to line up your movie-watching queue for life!
Are you still watching? Of course you are!

The Movie Watching Challenge Summarized
Have you ever heard someone recommend a movie and think to yourself, ‘Oh yeah, I’ve been meaning to watch that!’ only to completely forget the conversation and the name of the movie? This happens to most people and when they go to watch a new movie on their favorite streaming service, they can’t figure out what to watch. With so many movies available on these applications, the choices are endless! Typically, viewers will just flip through titles, trying to find something enticing. Unfortunately, this wastes valuable viewing time.
If only there was a way to keep a list of movies you’ve been wanting to watch based on your interests, favorite genres, and other specifications!
The Vision Behind the App
The team behind My Flix List realized this agonizing challenge and dreamt of a mobile app that would allow the users to save lists of movies based on what they had seen, wanted to see, or matched their interests. With this genius, time-saving idea, they teamed up with Scopic to bring it to the movie-loving people.
The Scopic Solution
My Flix List helps the user create a prioritized list of every movie ever made based on 12 user-controlled parameters. Starting at the top of the list, you can indicate whether you’ve seen, want to see, or are not interested in seeing each individual movie.
If you’re not familiar with a movie, you can watch the trailer, read the synopsis or viewer reviews, and find other valuable info about the movie right inside the app. Since the list is prioritized based on your tastes, you will quickly establish a ‘wish list’ of hundreds of movies that you want to watch and easily find where they are streaming. The list will automatically update as new movies are released. The My Flix List movie rating process is fun and can be addictive.