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React Native: The Key to Streamlining Mobile App Development

by | March 28, 2024

In today’s technology-driven world, mobile apps are on the rise, with global mobile app revenue expected to reach $673.7 billion by 2027. With such potential for growth, developers are now leveraging new technologies to streamline the process, enabling them to develop complex mobile apps more easily. 

Ever since 2015, React Native has been widely adopted, making it one of the most widely used cross-platform frameworks for building mobile apps. Some of the top names in the industry are utilizing React Native for mobile app development, including Facebook, Microsoft Office, Amazon, Shopify, and so many more. 

So what makes it a top choice for developers? 

Its ability to use one codebase for two platforms. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s explore how it works, why React Native mobile app development is being increasingly utilized, and how it compares to other frameworks. 

Understanding React Native for Mobile App Development 

So, is React Native good for mobile app development? 

React Native offers development that results in near-native high-performance, prioritizing quality, time efficiency, and cost-effective solutions. To get a better idea of why React Native mobile app development is gaining popularity, let’s explore what React Native is, how it works, and its core features. 

What is React Native? 

React Native is a mobile app framework that uses JavaScript to build native mobile apps with only one code base. After its release in 2015, it quickly became a top choice for developers who prioritize efficiency, performance, and flexibility for cross-platform applications. 

How React Native Works: Bridging Native and JavaScript Code 

Mobile app development using React Native works by combining JavaScript code and Native code to create cross-platform mobile applications. At the beginning, React Native used the “bridge” concept, a concept that allows asynchronous communication between the JavaScript and Native elements. However, the concept of New Architecture was then introduced to streamline the process. 

New Architecture replaces the bridge with the JavaScript Interface, a method of communication that allows for synchronous communication between JavaScript and native elements. The goal? 

To build apps on multiple platforms, like iOS and Android, using the same codebase. By using JavaScript to compile the app’s user interface, React Native mobile app development has faster time-to-market, simplified development and maintenance, and a range of other benefits that we’ll discuss below. 

Core Features of React Native 

So what sets React Native apart from other frameworks? 

Here are some of the core features that make it an appealing choice for developers: 

Component-Based Architecture

React Native’s component-based architecture allows developers to build apps with reusable components, therefore simplifying the development process. By providing better code organization and encapsulation, this type of architecture makes it easier to manage and maintain applications, making it a fundamental concept in React Native mobile app development. 

Cross-Platform Compatibility

React Native enables developers to write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms, meaning they can easily create apps with native user interfaces for both iOS and Android. This saves time, effort, and resources while maintaining high performance across devices, making it a favorable option for both developers and businesses. 

Extensive UI Library

React Native’s UI library has a collection of essential pre-built UI components to help developers quickly create visually appealing interfaces. These customizable features cover a wide range of functionalities and design elements, allowing developers to accelerate the app design process and focus efforts on building app functionality. 

Third-Party Plugin Support

React Native’s compatibility with third-party plugins helps extend its functionality and capabilities without the need for native code. This includes popular plugins that encompass UI components and styling, navigation, database and storage, authentication, and much more. A great example of this is React Redux, an open-source JavaScript library that manages the state of applications. A real-world example of React Redux is its role in enhancing app capabilities in Accel.

Strong Community Support

The strong community support around React Native enhances its popularity among developers and encourages the continual expansion of its framework. Developers can leverage community resources, such as forums, tutorials, and third-party libraries, to improve their workflow and continually refine their knowledge of React Native. 

mobile app development react native

Why Choose React Native for Mobile App Development? 

So why is React Native becoming increasingly popular? 

React Native offers a range of advantages that streamline the development process and enhance productivity. Keep reading to explore 5 of the top reasons to choose React Native for mobile app development. 

Cross-Platform Development: Write Once, Run Anywhere 

As mentioned, cross-platform compatibility is a huge advantage of React Native. By only writing one code, developers can streamline the entire development process, making it easier and less expensive than managing separate native codebases. 

Community and Ecosystem 

Remember the community support we mentioned above? Not all framework technologies offer comprehensive support, meaning that React Native offers developers a unique opportunity to access in-depth information about their questions and concerns, ensuring a successful end product. 

Live and Hot Reloading  

Live and hot reloading provides real-time feedback, allowing developers to make small changes to their code and see changes immediately. This saves time, improves productivity, and simplifies testing—all important factors for time-sensitive projects. 

Access to Native Functionalities 

Native modules allow developers to leverage native functionalities and platform-specific capabilities within the React Native App. Developers can either use built-in native modules or create custom modules; both options offer greater flexibility and performance optimization. 

Overcoming Challenges in React Native Development 

Even the most experienced developer may face challenges throughout development. What’s important is that they have the expertise to find innovative solutions to overcome obstacles and enhance the app’s functionality. 

That said, here are some of the common challenges in React Native development: 

Navigating Platform-Specific Code 

Platform-specific code may be necessary in instances where developers must access certain device features or optimize performance. To effectively manage platform-specific code within React Native, developers use strategies like conditional rendering or utilize platform modules to address platform discrepancies. 

Handling Navigation Complexity 

Choosing the right navigation library is key to creating an intuitive user interface. Developers must choose a library that can handle the desired navigation patterns while considering the app’s complexity and requirements. To overcome this challenge, developers should avoid complex navigation flows, maintain consistency, handle edge cases, and perform regular updates and maintenance. 

Debugging and Testing 

Developers may experience challenges during the debugging and testing phases, which may include navigating through error messages, performance optimization, and uncovering memory leaks, among others. There are various tools and methodologies that can be used to streamline these obstacles, including React Native Debugger, the Redux DevTools Extension, and CI/CD testing. 

Upgrading React Native Versions 

When upgrading React Native, developers may experience challenges in compatibility with native code, adapting to break changes, or even dependency conflicts. However, upgrades are an important aspect of maintenance as they enhance app performance, ensure compliance, and may prevent apps from experiencing decreased downloads. To ensure a successful upgrade, developers must address the challenges listed above while conducting thorough testing.

Ensuring App Accessibility 

Ensuring mobile apps are accessible to everyone is an important part of using React Native for mobile app development. Developers must achieve consistent accessibility across different platforms, address potential barriers from third-party integrations, and thoroughly test accessibility features. Some of the tools that developers can leverage to address these challenges include AccessibilityInfo, accessibilityRole, and accessibilityLabel. 

react native for mobile app development

Understanding the Development Process with React Native   

Mobile app development with React Native is a complex process that must be performed carefully by an experienced development team. For a deeper understanding of the development process, let’s explore 5 important steps for a successful end product: 

Initial Project Setup 

After the initial clarification period, where the client and developers determine project requirements and objectives, developers must perform the initial project setup. This step involves creating a new project environment and installing the necessary tools, which may include Node.js, Java Development Kit, Xcode, Watchman, React Native CLI, Exp CLI, and more. 

Architectural Decisions 

Creating a powerful technical architecture is important to the success of a React Native application. Developers must make early architectural decisions to ensure a scalable and maintainable codebase. This may include the selection of state management solutions, directory structure, navigation architecture, and styling methodology. 

Integrating Native Modules

Developers may consider native model integration to optimize performance, access device-specific features, or implement platform-specific capabilities. Before integrating native modules, developers must first determine the specific features not covered by the default React Native components. The goal is to integrate native modules that work to improve the user experience across different platforms. 

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) 

CI/CD focuses on automating testing, building, and deployment processes, which in turn improves app quality and ensures faster time-to-market. Developers should implement CI/CD best practices, which may include continuous integration, automated testing, version control systems, and code quality checks, among others. 

Monitoring and Analytics 

Implementing monitoring and analytics in React Native apps helps developers understand how users are behaving within their app, guiding them to make necessary changes to improve app performance. There are various tools to help developers track app performance, user engagement, and crash reports in real-time, including React Native Performance Monitor, Sentry, Google Analytics, Instabug, and much more. 

Comparison with Other Development Frameworks 

Experienced developers must consider other development frameworks to determine if mobile app development with React Native is the right choice for their project. Here’s how React Native compares with other frameworks: 

React Native vs. Native Development 

As mentioned, React Native is a cross-platform framework that uses a single codebase for both iOS and Android. Native development, on the other hand, requires the development of separate apps for each platform using native programming languages and tools. For instance, Swift, a programming language made by Apple, would be used for iOS mobile apps, while Kotlin or Java would be used for Android. 

React Native vs. Other Cross-Platform Frameworks 

There are multiple other cross-platform frameworks that developers can utilize, such as Flutter and Xamarin. Their main differences are in how they write code; React Native uses JavaScript, Flutter uses Dart, and Xamarin uses C# to write code for cross-platform applications.  

As with any framework, there are also differences in UI components, performance, development tools, and platform support. Overall, developers must choose a cross-platform framework that fits their specific project requirements.  

That said, React Native is a popular choice due to its native performance, use of JavaScript, scalability, and responsive user interface. Its similarity to React also allows developers who are familiar with building web applications with React to easily learn how to use React Native to build mobile applications. As a bonus, it has various plugins that developers can use within the app to speed up development. 

Key Considerations: Performance, Development Time, Community Support, and Available Libraries 

Every mobile app development project is unique, and developers must carefully choose a development framework based on the unique specifications of each project. Some of the key factors to consider when choosing the right framework include compatibility, how well each framework performs, development time (especially for time-sensitive projects), community support, and available libraries. 

React Native in Action: Use Cases and Success Stories 

So, how successful are React Native apps in the real world? 

Some of the most used apps in today’s world were developed with React Native, showcasing its potential in various industries. For instance, React Native has helped Airbnb reach new heights in the digital marketplace, offering a native-like experience on both iOS and Android.  

But its success doesn’t stop there; there’s a long list of companies that leverage React Native, including Uber Eats, Walmart, Amazon, Facebook, and many more. Its success in different industries shows its versatility and high scalability. 

3 Examples of React Native Mobile Apps 

As a React Native app development company, Scopic has worked with various clients from distinct industries. To get an idea of our work, here are 3 of our previous development projects: 

TAP Kiln

TAP Kiln is a consumer kiln controller that enables glass or ceramic artists to immediately start programming and operating their kiln. To improve the application, TAP Kiln partnered with Scopic, in which we designed and developed the entire mobile user interface for a cross-platform app implementation. By using React Native, Scopic was able to create a user-friendly interface on both iOS and Android. 

Recipe IQ

The founder of Recipe IQ wanted to give home cooks more control over their family’s health by offering them easy access to nutritional information from any recipe. Scopic’s team developed the entire application, using React Native to make it compatible with both iOS and Android. We also introduced an additional database to allow users to add custom ingredients and improve the accuracy of nutritional calculations. 

Register 2 Vote

Register 2 Vote is an application that allows users to register for voting in the local and national U.S. elections straight from their mobile device. With a vision of creating a cross-platform mobile application for iOS and Android, the founders of Register 2 Vote partnered with Scopic. Our team leveraged Native React to successfully develop an application that lets users register to vote in minutes. 

Choosing the Right React Native Development Partner 

Every mobile app development project starts with a very important decision: choosing a software development company. This is a critical decision, as your development partner should ensure productive collaboration and a successful project outcome. When choosing a partner, you should consider their experience, previous work, technical expertise in React Native, previous client feedback, and project management approach. 

As a React Native mobile app development company, Scopic specializes in creating engaging cross-platform mobile applications. We offer a wide range of solutions, including custom React Native app development, consultation, integration with backend services and APIs, and maintenance and support services. 

The Future of React Native 

With React Native already a top framework for cross-platform applications, we expect to see even more growth in its cross-platform capabilities, with the integration of advanced technologies a priority for many companies. 

One of the technologies that could transform mobile app development with React Native is the integration of AI. AI in software development offers developers and companies a unique insight into customer behavior, offering a streamlined workflow and providing users with custom-made solutions that improve their experience. AI, along with IoT and virtual reality, offers new opportunities to create more engaging and interactive app experiences.  

Overall, we expect to see continued efforts to improve the performance of React Native apps, with a priority for quicker and more efficient solutions. This may include updates that focus on performance improvements, increased platform support, and the adoption of React Native Fabric, a new architecture that improves interoperability with host platforms and unlocks new capabilities for React Native. 


With mobile app development on the rise, React Native helps developers create functional and engaging apps for both iOS and Android. As a time- and cost-effective solution, React Native is a great option for all types of businesses, no matter the industry or niche target audience. 

At Scopic, we harness the power of React Native to create tailored solutions to your unique business needs. If your company is interested in React Native mobile app development, contact us to discuss our high-performing solutions. 


Are React Native apps compatible with both iOS and Android platforms?

Yes, React Native has cross-platform capabilities that allow developers to use a single codebase for both iOS and Android. 

What kind of apps are best suited for React Native?

React Native is a great option for mobile apps that require cross-platform compatibility; this includes social media apps, ecommerce apps, travel apps, mHealth apps, education apps, and much more.

How do I decide whether React Native is the right choice for my project?

React Native is a great option for businesses that want to create native mobile apps for both iOS and Android. As a bonus, mobile app development with React Native offers community support, access to native features, and third-party services. 

What are other alternatives to React Native?

Alternatives to React Native include Flutter, Xamarin, Native Script, Ionic, and more. 

About React Native Mobile App Development Guide

This guide was authored by Baily Ramsey and reviewed by Mladen Lazic, a board member, COO, and key member of Scopic’s leadership team.

Scopic provides quality and informative content, powered by our deep-rooted expertise in software development. Our team of content writers and experts have great knowledge in the latest software technologies, allowing them to break down even the most complex topics in the field. They also know how to tackle topics from a wide range of industries, capture their essence, and deliver valuable content across all digital platforms.

Note: This blog’s images are sourced from Freepik.

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