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Add Text Tool

Making text adding essentially simple

Photography editing in simple steps.

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The Picture Edit Challenge Summarized

There are lots of picture editing software and tools that offer numerous styling options. However, often users are interested in more simple features, as the experience can get complicated, overwhelming, and time-consuming. Most of the time picture edits need to be focused on essential elements such as setting color and adding text.

The Vision Behind the App

The company sought a solution that focused on increasing ease of use and simplicity in photo edits. They aimed at focusing on text adding as the primary goal of such a solution, targeting photography enthusiasts that don’t want to spend too much time on the task. So, they contacted Scopic and worked on an application.

Add-Text-Tool vision

The Scopic Solution

Scopic developed Add text tool. This application is basically a tool that lets you type texts and create captions for your pictures. The user-friendly interface offers this through the following simple steps:

Upload a picture

Set color and style

Add text and adjust its position

Add-Text-Tool solution

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