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Video Fastforward

Full control over videos.

The Video Playing Challenge Summarized

Video players on our desktops often have standard and basic functionalities. Firstly, they don’t always support certain video formats. Volume controls are often not smooth enough, subtitles are not identifiable or the player may also affect the visual and audio quality of the video.

The Vision Behind the App


Video Fastforward company sought to provide improved software to the market. They aimed to cover specific features that would display detailed metrics for:

– Display Range
– Frames
– Running Time
– Time remaining

This would help in editing precisely what the user wanted. So, they approached Scopic’s team to work together on a qualitative streaming app.

The Scopic Solution

Scopic built a user-friendly Video Fastforward application. The software is able to play video files from a local hard drive. It also can skip seamlessly from one predetermined point to another while responding to frame number pairs that represent video in and out points. The user can also access advanced settings such as a control panel, a frame data table, and a frame pair output display.

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