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Access patient data with just one click

Save time and money through simple solutions.

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The Challenge Summarized

Trackable patient information simplifies dentists’ workflows. Information tracking can be achieved through old-school means like writing on notebooks or complex software solutions. The first option can be time-consuming, while purchasing software with added features can be costly for professionals. That’s why many healthcare professionals turn to medical software development for an answer.

The Vision Behind the App

The company envisioned a quick way for dentists to save and manage patient data. They believed that the simpler the solution, the more efficient their practices. No more headache for a task that should require just a few steps.

In order to achieve that goal, they got in touch with Scopic’s experts and worked together towards a solution.

TorsoCAD vision

The Scopic Solution

Scopic built TorsoCad, an Android mobile application that allows users to create, edit, and manage patient databases. 

The simple, intuitive  interface enables the user to create a ‘Patients List’ and ‘Add a Patient’ with just a click of a button, resulting in a secure and accessible database for dentists.


TorsoCAD solution

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